Imperial College Business School, London
- 2022 to date - Professor of Marketing
- 2022 to date - Co-director of the MSc Programme on Climate Change, Management, and Finance.
FGV-EBAPE, Rio de Janeiro
- 2022 to date - Visiting Professor of Consumer Psychology
- 2012 to 2022 - Professor of Consumer Psychology
University of California, Berkeley - Haas School of Business
- 2010-12 - Associate Professor of Marketing (with tenure)
- 2004-10 - Assistant Professor of Marketing
- Ph.D., Warrington College of Business, University of Florida, US, 2004.
- M.Sc., École des HEC, Université de Montréal, Canada, 1996.
- BSBA, Business Administration, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil, 1993.
- Journal of Consumer Research Outstanding Reviewer Award (2021)
- Brenda M. Derby Memorial Award - AMA Marketing and Public Policy Conference (2021).
- Best Conference Theme Individual Paper Award - SCP Conference (2020)
- Honorary Professor - University of Sydney - Business School - Marketing Discipline (2020 to date)
- C.W. Park Outstanding Contribution Award for article published in the Journal of Consumer Psychology (2017)
- Association for Consumer Research (ACR) Early Career Award for distinguished scholarly contributions to the field of consumer research (2011)
- Journal of Consumer Research Outstanding Reviewer Award (2011)
- CASBS Scholar - Summer Institute on Emotion and Decision (pic) - Stanford University (2004)
- Marketing Science Institute (MSI) Young Scholar (pic) (2007)
- American Marketing Association (AMA) Doctoral Consortium Fellow - Minneapolis, MN (2003)
- Barbara and Gerson Bakar Faculty Fellow - UC Berkeley (2010 to 2012)
- Journal of Consumer Psychology (2018-20)
- Journal of Consumer Research (2014-17)
- Journal of Consumer Research (2011-to date)
- Journal of Consumer Psychology (2012-to date)
- Journal of Marketing Research (2010-19)
- Consumer Behavior and Sustainability (Master in Management)
- Sustainable Behavior (MSc & PhD Program)
- Jacob, Jorge, Jr., Yan Vieites, Eduardo B. Andrade, and Rafael Goldszmidt (2022), "Expected SES-based Discrimination Reduces Price Sensitivity Among the Poor," Journal of Marketing Research, online first.
- Vieites, Yan, Rafael Goldszmidt, and Eduardo B. Andrade (2022), “Social Class Shapes Donation Allocation Preferences,” Journal of Consumer Research, 48(5), 775-795. Editors' Choice - SSRN version
- Neufeld, Lynnette M., Eduardo B. Andrade, Ahna Ballonoff Suleiman, Mary Barkey, Ty Beal, Lauren S. Blum et al. (2022), "Food in Transition: Adolescent Autonomy, Agency, and the Food Environment," The Lancet, 399(10320), 185-197.
- Goldszmidt, Rafael, Anna Petherick, Eduardo B. Andrade, Thomas Hale, Rodrigo Furst, Toby Phillips, and Sarah Jones. (2021), "Protective Behaviors against COVID-19 by Individual Vaccination Status in 12 Countries during the Pandemic," JAMA Network Open, 4(10), e2131137.
- Petherick, Anna, Rafael Goldszmidt, Eduardo B. Andrade, Rodrigo Furst, Thomas Hale, Annalena Pott, and Andrew Wood (2021), "A Worldwide Assessment of Changes in Adherence to CODIV-19 Protective Behaviours and Hypothesized Pandemic Fatigue," Nature Human Behavior, 5, 1145-1160.
- Ramos, Guilherme, Yan Vieites, Eduardo B. Andrade, Carlos Pereira, and Amanda Medeiros (2021), “Can Self-Protective Behaviors Increase Unrealistic Optimism? Evidence from the COVID-19 Pandemic,” Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 27(4), 621-631 - SSRN Version
- Bernardo Andretti, Rafael Goldszmidt, and Eduardo B. Andrade (2021), "How Changes in Menu Quality Associate with Subsequent Expenditures on (Un)Healthy Foods and Beverages in School Cafeterias: A 3-year Longitudinal Study," Preventive Medicine, 146, May, 106465 - SSRN version.
- Mittelman, Mauricio, Dilney Gonçalves, and Eduardo B. Andrade (2020), "Out of Sight, Out of Mind: Usage Frequency Considerations in Purchase Decisions," Journal of Consumer Psychology, 30(4), 652-659.
- Palmeira, Mauricio, Eduardo B. Andrade, Shahin Sharifi, Wen Mao, and Jorge Jacob (2020), "The Influence of Arbitrary Breakpoints on Judgments of Maximum Output," Journal of Consumer Psychology, 30(2), 260-276.
- Ramos et al. (2020), "Political Orientation and Support for Social Distancing during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from Brazil," Revista de Administração Pública, 54, 4, 697-713.
- Barros, Lucia S. G., Cesar Zucco Jr., Eduardo B. Andrade, and Marcelo Brogliato (2020), “From Visitors to Donors: How and Why Funding Rates Vary over Time in All-or-Nothing Non-Investment Crowdfunding Projects,” Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 5:1, 117-127.
- Ferreira, Claudio M., Rafael Goldszmidt, and Eduardo B. Andrade (2019), “The short- and long-term impact of an incentive intervention on healthier eating: A quasi-experiment in primary- and secondary-school cafeterias in Brazil,” Public Health Nutrition, 22(9), 1675-1685.
- Cohen, Joel B. and Eduardo B. Andrade (2018), "The ADF Framework: A Parsimonious Model for Developing Successful Behavior Change Interventions,” Journal of Marketing Behavior, 3 (2), 81-119.
- Spassova, Gerri, Mauricio Palmeira, and Eduardo B. Andrade (2018), "A Ratings Pattern Heuristic in Judgment of Expertise: When Being Right Looks Wrong," Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 147 (July), 26-47.
- Von Schuckmann, Julia, Lucia Barros, Rodrigo Dias and Eduardo B. Andrade (2018), "From Slum Tourism to Smiley Selfies: The Role of Social Identity Strength in the Consumption of Morally Ambiguous Experiences," Journal of Consumer Psychology, 28(2), 192-210
- David, Isabel P.A. et al. (2018), "Appetitive Drives for Ultra-processed Food Products and the Ability of Text Warnings to Counteract Consumption Predispositions," Public Health Nutrition, Feb 21 (3), 543-557.
- Andrade, Eduardo B., Terrance Odean, and Shengle Lin (2016), "Bubbling with Excitement: An Experiment," Review of Finance, 20 (2), 447-466.
- Goulart, Marco A.V.O., Newton C.A. da Costa Jr., Eduardo B. Andrade, and André A.P. Santos (2015), "Hedging Against Embarrassment," Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization,116, 310-318.
- Mittelman, Mauricio, Eduardo B. Andrade, Amitava Chattopadhyay, and C. Miguel Brendl (2014), “The Offer Framing Effect: Choosing Single versus Bundled Offerings Affects Variety Seeking,” Journal of Consumer Research, 41 (December), 953-964.
- Chan, Cindy, Leaf Van Boven, Eduardo B. Andrade, and Dan Ariely (2014), "Moral Violations Reduce Oral Consumption," Journal of Consumer Psychology, 24(3), 381-386. Outstanding Contribution Award
- Lee, Chan Jean, Eduardo B. Andrade, and Stephen E. Palmer (2013), "Interpersonal Relationships and Preferences for Mood-Congruency in Aesthetic Experiences," Journal of Consumer Research, 40 (August), 382-391.
- Andrade, Eduardo B. (2011), "Excessive Confidence in Visually-based Estimates," Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processess, 116 (November), 252-261.
- Lee, Chan Jean and Eduardo B. Andrade (2011), "Fear, Social Projection, and Financial Decision Making," Journal of Marketing Research, Special Interdisciplinary Issue on Consumers' Financial Decision Making, XLVII (November), S121-S129.
- Laran, Juliano, Amy Dalton, and Eduardo B. Andrade (2011), "The Curious Case of Behavioral Backlash: Why Brands Produce Priming Effects and Slogans Produce Reverse Priming Effects," Journal of Consumer Research, 37(April), 999-1014. (Summarized in "Why Consumers Rebel Against Slogans", Harvard Business Review, November 2011, p. 706).
- Andrade, Eduardo B. and Leaf Van Boven (2010), "Feelings Not Foregone: Underestimating Affective Reactions to What Does Not Happen," Psychological Science, 21(5),706-711.
- Andrade, Eduardo B. and Teck-Hua Ho (2009), "Gaming Emotions in Social Interactions," Journal of Consumer Research, 36 (December), 539-551 - Lead Article
- Andrade, Eduardo B. and Ganesh Iyer (2009), "Planned versus Actual Betting in Sequential Gambles," Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. XLVI (June), 372-383.
- Andrade, Eduardo B. and Dan Ariely (2009), "The Enduring Impact of Transient Emotions on Decision Making," Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processess, 109 (May),1-8 - Lead Article
- Andrade, Eduardo B. and Joel B. Cohen (2007), "On the Consumption of Negative Feelings," Journal of Consumer Research, 34 (October), 283-300 - Lead Article
- Andrade, Eduardo B. and Teck-Hua Ho (2007), "How is the Boss's Mood Today? I Want a Raise," Psychological Science, 18 (August), 668-671.
- Andrade, Eduardo B. (2005), "Behavioral Consequences of Affect: Combining Evaluative and Regulatory Mechanisms," Journal of Consumer Research, 32 (December), 355-362.
- Cohen, Joel B. and Eduardo B. Andrade (2004), "Affective Intuition and Task-Contingent Affect Regulation," Journal of Consumer Research, 31 (September), 358-367.
- Andrade, Eduardo B. (2015), "Consumer Emotions," In Cambridge Handbook of Consumer Psychology, Eds. Michael Norton, Derek Rucker, & Cait Lamberton. Cambridge University Press, pp. 90-212.
- Cohen, Joel B., Michel T. Pham and Eduardo B. Andrade (2008), "The Nature and Role of Affect in Consumer Behavior," In Handbook of Consumer Psychology, Eds. Curt Haugtvedt, Frank Kardes, and Paul Herr. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum (pp.297-348).
- Andrade, Eduardo B. and Joel B. Cohen (2007), "Affect-Based Evaluation and Regulation as Mediators of Behavior: The Role of Affect in Risk-Taking, Helping and Eating Patterns," In Do Emotions Help or Hurt Decision Making: A Hedgefoxian Perspective, Eds. Kathleen Vohs, Roy Baumeister, and George Loewenstein. New York, NY: Russel Sage, (pp. 35-68).
- Imperial College London (2022), University of Pennsylvania, Wharton (2021), Duke University - Fuqua (2020), New York University - Stern (2020), National University of Singapore (2019), Monash University (2019), Macquarie University (2019), University of Sydney (2019, 2016, 2015); Queensland University of Technology (2015); LBS Marketing Summer Camp (2012); Stanford University - Affective Sciences Group (2010); UC Berkeley - IPSR (2004, 2010); Duke University - Fuqua (2009); University of Toronto - Rotman (2009); Northwestern University - Kellogg (2009); University of Miami - Business School (2009); Yale University - SOM (2008); University of Southern California - Marshall (2007); University of Pennsylvania - Wharton (2006); University of Chicago - GSB (2006); New York University - Stern (2005); Columbia University - CBS (2005); Stanford University - GSB (2005).
- Oxford Univ., Blavatnik School of Government (July 2020), "Policy in a Pandemic: Behavioural Science and the COVID-19", Conversation with Prof. Anna Petherick.
- Webinar FGV: "O Impacto da COVID-19 em Dirigentes de Empresas e Executivos" com Marco Túlio Zanini (April 2020)
- MyNews - Coluna do Garrone (Feb 2020): “Legalização das Drogas"
- Bate Papo FGV (Oct 2017) "Alimentação nas Cantinas das Escolas"
- Valor Econômico (Sep 2021): "Medo do preconceito faz brasileiro pagar mais".
- Jornal Nacional (July 2021): "Pesquisa revela como doações são motivadas por estímulos visuais"
- Valor Econômico (April 2020): "Executivos têm medo de perder o emprego"
- Estadão (April 2020): "Isolamento Social e Óbitos por Covid-19: Lições dos Países Nórdicos"
- Estadão (March 2020): "Polarização em Tempos de COVID-19"
- Estadão (March 2020): "Escolhas Intertemporais, a COVID-19 e a Decisão de Santa Catarina"
- Estadão (March 2020): "Testes em Massa, Comportamento e a COVID-19"
- Poder360 (Dec 2018): “Como dobrar o número de doadores de medula”
- Bloomberg (Dec 2015): "Trading Under the Influence of Emotion"
- The Times of London (May 2013): "Best Way to Feel Better during a Break-up"
- Chicago Tribune (May 2013): "Breakup Might be Easier with Sad Music"
- Bloomberg Business Week (Nov 2011): "Scary Stock Market"
- New York Times (Sept 2010): "Refusing to Take Slogans at Face Value"
- Folha de Sao Paulo (Aug 2010): "Professor da Universidade da California da dicas de economia comportamental".
- Revista Galileu (Jan 2010): "Todo Mundo em Panico""
- Wall Street Journal (May 2009): "Does It Pay to Be an Angry Customer?"
- CBCNews.com (May 2009): "Consumer Anger Can Be a Powerful Negotiation Tool: Marketing Study"
- Responsible Gambling Council: "Gambling: A Game of Emotions, not Odds"
- YahooNews.com: "Gamblers Who Lose Bet More"
- California Magazine: "Going for Broke"
- Newsweek: "Asking For a Raise? Read This First"
- Forbes: "Now they know you know"
- USNews (Nov 2007): "In the mood for...money"
- ABC7news (Oct 2007): "New UC Berkeley Study Reveals Horror Films Secrets"
- Science Daily (July 2007): "Why Do People Love Horror Movies? They Enjoy Being Scared"